Aimsweb Rostering
Kyle Olesen
Good morning!
This week, I have spoken with almost everyone on this list to provide in-person updates and answer any questions you may have. Below is a summary for most of you.
We are now officially connected to TeacherEase, and we are syncing rosters with Clever, which will then connect to Aimsweb. As a staff member, you can access Aimsweb using your Clever login. Since we are early in the testing process, please start slowly and ensure that everything is functioning correctly.
Here are the syncing details for TeacherEase:
For JES, LES, and MES:
- Homerooms
For CIS and SMS:
- Primtimes
- Enhanced Reading
All reading specialists have been assigned as "managers" in Aimsweb, giving you full access to the students in your affiliated building.
Please note that our syncing process occurs after school hours. If a new student is added to your TeacherEase class today (Halloween), you will not see them in Aimsweb until tomorrow. If you do not see them in the TeacherEase class rosters mentioned above, please contact the office so they can be added to TeacherEase.
If you notice any major issues with rostering rules, please contact If you have Aimsweb-specific questions, please follow your previous support channel.
KateLynn Hinkelman
Kyle Olesen
Good morning!
This week, I have spoken with almost everyone on this list to provide in-person updates and answer any questions you may have. Below is a summary for most of you.
We are now officially connected to TeacherEase, and we are syncing rosters with Clever, which will then connect to Aimsweb. As a staff member, you can access Aimsweb using your Clever login. Since we are early in the testing process, please start slowly and ensure that everything is functioning correctly.
Here are the syncing details for TeacherEase:
For JES, LES, and MES:
- Homerooms
For CIS and SMS:
- Primtimes
- Enhanced Reading
All reading specialists have been assigned as "managers" in Aimsweb, giving you full access to the students in your affiliated building.
Please note that our syncing process occurs after school hours. If a new student is added to your TeacherEase class today (Halloween), you will not see them in Aimsweb until tomorrow. If you do not see them in the TeacherEase class rosters mentioned above, please contact the office so they can be added to TeacherEase.
If you notice any major issues with rostering rules, please contact If you have Aimsweb-specific questions, please follow your previous support channel.
Linda Pubentz
Thank you for the information. Thank you for finding a way to make this work.
Miriam McNutt
Thank you! I will wait to hear from you for the go ahead!
Kyle Olesen
Great news! After weeks of waiting on Aimsweb, they let us know yesterday afternoon that we’re successfully syncing TeacherEase data to their platform. You probably received an email. We’re excited to use the information from TeacherEase to connect students with staff members in each building. But please note we'll be making a few minor tweaks along the way, and we’re currently testing things out with a small group to ensure everything runs smoothly. Once we’ve got everything sorted, we’ll be sure to share more details on when the product is available to utilize.
As we are concerned about data that may or may not change we strongly advise against using the product until we know the configuration is complete.
KateLynn Hinkelman
Update from Pearson as of 10/11
KateLynn Hinkelman
In order to delete the YMCA data, they need a request on a District letterhead. I submitted the request yesterday.
Kyle Olesen
Aimsweb is transferring the existing manual student data to integrate it seamlessly with the data in TeacherEase. This conversion aims to prevent data loss, and new students will automatically be added to the system.
What is complete:
Access to the system
Connected TeacherEase to Clever to Aimsweb
Configured syncing rules with Clever
Configured Clever SSO for login purposes
Verified that student data had to be maintained
Attempted to sync a classroom at MES to check data accuracy
Determined that the old data IDs don't match with TeacherEase IDs
Sent all data to Aimsweb so they can convert all student and staff IDs to match TeacherEase ID to prevent data loss
Identified 270 duplicate accounts related to the YMCA
Communicated with Aimsweb to remove YMCA data
We are currently waiting on Aimsweb. As we are employing a combination of internal and external resources for this transition, we are unable to provide a specific timeline for its completion at this time. We're making progress, and we'll continue providing updates.
Kyle Olesen
in progress